We Believe: The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments are the revelation inspired by God.  We believe that the original manuscripts are inerrant, and that all sixty-six books are sole authority for all Christian life matters in faith and practice.

We Believe: There is one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  All separate yet eternally existing as one.  The Godhead is equal in power; glory and unity.  Through them all was created; upheld, and governed by them, nothing escapes their attention.

We Believe: In the full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ who always was and will be God and did not cease to be God at the incarnation.  Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the virgin Mary; and possesses a Divine and human nature both distinct and undivided.


We Believe: He was sinless; He died a substitutionary death for the sin of all men; He was buried; and arose on the third day in a glorified body.  He ascended to the right hand of God the Father; by His death He provided redemption for all men, which is applied to those who believe on Him. 

We Believe: Christ is now presently functioning as High Priest for all believers making intercession for them.  He reigns over the universe and will one day return to earth to establish His kingdom from the throne of David.

We Believe: Man was created in the image of God but fell into disobedience by a voluntary decision.  As a result, became separated from God, dead in his trespasses and sins the result of which is transmitted to all humanity, with the exception of Jesus Christ.  Due to His nature as God and Man was able to live a sinless life.

We Believe: Through Christ’s willingness to take the place of sinful man and endure God’s judgment; suffering and dying, He shed His blood for our redemption.  We believe that it is a gift to man, available only through grace by faith.  Only those who receive Jesus Christ by faith are forgiven, born of the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God.

We Believe: All true believers once saved are eternally secure forever because of the nature and work of Christ.  This assurance is not based on their own merit, but through the testimony of the Scriptures and the witness of the Holy Spirit.


We Believe: As a result of the new nature God gives to us at the time of salvation we are empowered by the Holy Spirit which God prepared beforehand.   As such righteous living and growing in grace, continually enables us to become more and more conformed to the image of the Son of God.

We Believe: The Church is the body and Bride of Christ; that it is composed of all Jewish and Gentile believers from Pentecost to the Rapture.  United together into one body, of which He is the Head.  As members of the Church, it is our responsibility to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, loving one another with pure hearts.

 We Believe: The Church is distinct from Israel; that while sharing spiritual blessings with Israel of the Jewish covenants, it neither fulfills them nor has taken possession of them from Israel.  God has made four unconditional covenants with this elect nation that have remained unfulfilled; that God intends to fulfill all His promises to Israel.